Sure, casting directors are going to be well troubled to find a Tagalog-spouting dreamboat to headline the Filipino adaptation of Twilight. But that shouldn't stop them. This is the same nation that, when denied Céline Dion, spawned their own answer to the insufferably maudlin diva. Takipsilim (or in literal English, Sunset) is set to begin production soon. The effort will be helmed by a director whose IMDB credits are neither thin nor storied. But fans of the original believe that an adaptation of the film that they will never understand, let alone see in the States is poised to tarnish the good name of the original. Yeah, I don't know what they mean either. But I suppose I'd be upset too if someone tried to suggest an alternative to Robert Pattinson, especially one that, in his closest resemblance, looked like Zac Efron or the girliest Jonas Brother.